Hi 👋 It's Ali

I Draw Rectangles, a Lot.

Hi 👋 It's Ali

I Draw Rectangles, a Lot.

In this realm of creative expression, I deem bad design a subtle transgression.

For in the fusion of tech, business, and art, I aim to craft solutions that ignite each heart.

Chief Everything at Fan{task}tic AI ↗

Infusing AI Technologies into Classroom Education
Making Education Less Miserable for Teachers & Students

Infusing AI Technologies into Classroom Education
Making Education Less Miserable for Teachers & Students

Side Projects

Curating a Directory of Great Links for Founders, Builders & Designers

Curating a Directory of Great Links for Founders, Builders & Designers

Framer Directory, Great Stuff Only.

Framer Directory, Great Stuff Only.

Find me Elsewhere